Kenya: A young single mom, fighting to change the world…

Believer of life. Mother of one. New mom. College dropout. Faith. Hope and a little disappointment By Shirleen Mukami @ShirleenMukami1, twitter I’m Shirleen Mukami, a 20-year old single mother of one boy whom I was blessed with on June 15th 2021. He’ll turning 5 months in the next few days. But what’s there to celebrate!? It’s been a ride…

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Esther Kitoka: Trust to take Equity Bank (TZ) to a new level

When Ms Esther Kitoka attends women meetings, she motivates and inspires ladies to have faith in their God-given abilities. Her recurring themes include asking women to set their goals, focus, be good listeners, be determined, be timely decision-makers. She tells them to be authentic and to keep learning, and not to give up in the pursuit of a meaningful…

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