Laeticia Mukurasi – A Triumph for Women’s Rights: An African Story

Laeticia Mukurasi, a passionate advocate and change agent for women’s rights, has carved a notable legacy in the field of gender and development. With an academic foundation from esteemed institutions like the University of Sussex and Manchester Polytechnic, Mukurasi has championed women empowerment, gender mainstreaming, and human resources development, influencing policies on international, regional, and national levels.

From the Ground Up

Beginning her career at Fibreboards Africa Limited, Mukurasi donned the hat of Manager for Human Resource Development and Administration. Notable for her innovative practices, she laid the foundation of the company’s first personnel policy and fostered a harmonious relationship between management and employees, propelling the company’s image to greater heights.

A Force at the United Nations

Her invaluable insights and leadership skills paved the way to the United Nations Development Programme/UNIFEM Tanzania Country Office, where she served as Assistant Resident Representative. Mukurasi, during her tenure, was instrumental in fostering gender sensitivity and mainstreaming best practices. Her achievements, lauded as some of the best in the Africa Region, included establishing effective partnerships and encouraging awareness about the importance of gender considerations and planning.

An Era of Transformation at the African Development Bank

Mukurasi’s journey at the African Development Bank (AfDB) witnessed her ascending roles from a Senior Gender Specialist to the Chief Gender Specialist. Her accomplishments, notably the development of the Bank’s acclaimed Gender Policy and Plan of Action, earned worldwide recognition for integrating gender concerns into various sectors and themes.

In addition to policy-level achievements, Mukurasi steered a transformative wave of institutional change at the AfDB. She was a key member of teams advocating for reforms aimed at creating an enabling environment for gender equality and women empowerment, leading to significant strides in institutional practices.

Freelance Consulting: A Legacy Continued

Currently, as a Freelance International Consultant in Gender and Development, Mukurasi continues to fortify her legacy. Her contributions extend to technical support, capacity development, and gender analysis for UN Agencies, Government, and Non-Governmental Organizations. Her recent work includes the preparation of critical reports and training workshops aimed at gender mainstreaming and awareness.

A Noteworthy Literary Voice

Mukurasi’s literary works, like “A Triumph for Women’s Rights: Her African Story,” echo her commitment to gender equality. Her publications, tackling pertinent subjects like Women’s Participation in Employment and Land Rights, continue to guide and inspire the discourse around women empowerment.
Shaping the Landscape for Future Generations

With an unwavering belief in equality and a formidable background in promoting the interests of women, Laeticia Mukurasi continues to shape the landscape of gender and development. Even in the face of evolving global challenges, Mukurasi has consistently upheld her commitment to fostering a world that is balanced and fair.

An Exemplary Role in Policy Making and Implementation

Mukurasi’s dedicated service at the AfDB and UNDP/UNIFEM showcased her expertise in not just creating, but also implementing strategic policies and practices that advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. These policy-making and implementation experiences combined with her unwavering passion, make her a force to be reckoned with in the world of gender and development.

Continued Impact through Consultation

Her transition into freelance consulting has not diminished the impact of her work. On the contrary, it has allowed her to broaden her reach, imparting her knowledge and experience on a global scale. Her consulting work has benefitted numerous UN agencies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, resulting in significant progress towards gender mainstreaming and sensitivity.

Influential Publications

Her contributions to academia and literature are equally noteworthy. Her authored and co-authored books and articles have not only highlighted key issues but also suggested viable solutions for improving gender balance. These literary works continue to influence policy makers, activists, and scholars worldwide, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and the crucial role it plays in sustainable development.

A Pillar of the Community

Beyond her professional achievements, Mukurasi’s dedication to societal progress is evident in her community work. She has been an active participant in the Association of Tanzania Employers, the Industrial Court, and the Tanzania Trade Union, JUWATA. In these roles, Mukurasi has consistently advocated for gender equality and women’s rights, further solidifying her reputation as a community leader and a beacon for gender equality.

Laeticia Mukurasi’s journey is a testament to her dedication, perseverance, and commitment to women’s rights and gender equality. Her life’s work embodies the Goldenwoman spirit, demonstrating that the fight for equality requires constant vigilance, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the cause. As we celebrate her achievements, we look forward to her continued impact and the inspiration she provides for future generations. is proud to feature Laeticia Mukurasi, a shining example of leadership and dedication in the quest for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Her indomitable spirit, relentless pursuit of justice, and tireless efforts have brought about remarkable progress, impacting countless lives along the way. Her story serves as a reminder that every step taken towards gender equality is a stride towards a more balanced and equitable world.