Madiha Tubman’s “Survived and Thriving,”- A Testament of Resilience and Hope

When you pick up Madiha Tubman’s “Survived and Thriving,” you understand this is not a casual read. It’s not a tale you can breeze through with a coffee in hand, especially when you get to the heart-wrenching details of Liberia’s civil war and the haunting memories of burning homes and lives lost.

The story starts with a harrowing account of Tubman herself. A young graduate from New York, she marries her equal, and they decide to relocate to Liberia. The early days are painted with the blush of newlyweds and the joy of a newborn son. Yet, as they undertake the mammoth task of rejuvenating the family’s rubber plantation, the shadows of an impending war loom over them.

1989 was the fateful year. As Liberia is consumed by civil unrest, Madiha and her family find themselves in the crosshairs. Despite the husband’s insistence on staying, the war would rage on for 15 agonizing years, bearing witness to indescribable suffering and pain.

A chilling climax presents itself when Madiha, her husband, their three-year-old son, and several others are lined up, awaiting execution by a firing squad. This scene isn’t just a moment of tension in the book; it reflects the broader climate of the times when indiscriminate killings became routine.

As the readers traverse these tumultuous paths with Tubman, they’ll be gripped by the constant pressing questions: How did Liberia arrive at this? What drives humans to such brutalities? And most importantly, how did Tubman and her family endure day after day, often without basic necessities?

The narrative takes a twist when the writer reveals an angelic intervention, not from the heavens, but in the form of their young son. His innocent intervention miraculously spares their lives. Indeed, sometimes children are the angels who walk among us.

Having narrowly escaped this ordeal, the next phase of their journey begins: seeking refuge. They land in Kenya, hoping for peace. However, immigration challenges force her husband to seek refuge in the Ivory Coast, leaving Madiha and their son alone in a foreign land. The blows keep coming, as she faces betrayal from the most unexpected quarters. But like every dark cloud, there’s a silver lining. And Madiha finds hers in the form of close friends and the strength they provide.

“Survived and Thriving” then transforms. From a harrowing memoir, it evolves into a guidebook. Madiha becomes not just a storyteller but a counsellor, marriage advisor, and life coach. She embraces her pain as a tool to educate, inform, and uplift others who might find themselves in similar situations. Her underlying message? Never lose hope, no matter the weight of the adversities faced.

Her insights range from warding off negative influences to understanding the importance of patience during trials. She repeatedly emphasizes that to truly rise, one must first understand the depth of their fall.

In essence, “Survived and Thriving” is not just a book; it’s a beacon of hope. It showcases that with determination and the right mindset, there’s no challenge too great. Madiha Tubman’s journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the enduring power of the human spirit. And as she writes, “There’s no mountain too high for those who are determined to climb.”

Transforming Your Dreams Into Reality…

Introduction: Madiha Tubman, a certified Life Mastery Consultant by the Life Mastery Institute, specializes in helping individuals manifest lives in harmony with their soul’s desires. Her mission is to ignite the flame within everyone, leading them to live their highest vision surrounded by love and joy.

What Makes Madiha Unique? Her dedication to unleashing human potential and her genuine love for life coaching has made her a beacon for those seeking transformation. Her client testimonials attest to her ability to transform lives, as they’ve achieved staggering success under her guidance and now thrive in lives they adore.

Career Highlights:

  • With over 15 years in the industry, Madiha has taught, mentored, and guided countless individuals from various walks of life, helping them reach their dreams and establish a more rewarding life.
  • She is an articulate author, contributing several articles that she presents during her speaking engagements. Her insights as an inspirational and motivational speaker have enlightened and energized audiences worldwide.
  • Madiha has graced many platforms, discussing crucial subjects like “Women’s Perspective on Global Crisis” and “Religious Tolerance and Forgiveness”. Moreover, sharing stages with luminaries such as Rabbi Shira Milgrom, Prof. Mehnaz M. Alfridi, and Dr. Ellen Umansky is a testament to her caliber.

Education & Background:

  • Madiha’s acumen doesn’t just stop at life coaching. She is a proud ‘Financial Controller’ for a prominent New York organization, bringing over 20 years of expertise.
  • As an alumna of Pace University – Lubin School of Business, her business insights are well-grounded. Further complementing her prowess is her certification as a Dream Builder Coach from the esteemed Life Mastery Institute.

Blending Experience with Life Mastery Technology: Marrying her diverse background with cutting-edge Life Mastery technology, Madiha crafts tailored strategies for her clients. This unique blend ensures extraordinary results in remarkably short spans.

Workshops & Coaching Programs: Madiha’s workshops are not just sessions; they are immersive experiences. Participants embark on introspective journeys, meticulously designing and visualizing their ideal lives. Through her guidance, many have experienced the thrill of stepping into their dream life, feeling an overwhelming sense of affirmation.

:Madiha Tubman is not just a coach; she is a visionary, guiding souls towards their destined path. If you’re ready to transform and bridge the gap between your current life and the one you’ve always yearned for, Madiha Tubman is the beacon you’ve been searching for. Join her and let the journey of self-discovery begin.