The Remarkable Journey of Mary Joan Msonsa: Breaking Barriers and Building Empires

Mary Joan Msonsa:

*Plans to expand to the rest of Eastern Africa

By Mensiah John

Mary Joan Msonsa stands out as a beacon of hope, resilience, and inspiration in a world where women are often relegated to the background. Her journey from a bank employee to a successful entrepreneur managing three distinct businesses is a testament to the power of determination, vision, and hard work. Today, her story is a powerful reminder to millions of women worldwide that no dream is too big and no challenge is insurmountable when pursued with passion and purpose.

The Genesis of an Entrepreneurial Journey

Mary Joan is a multifaceted entrepreneur who wears many hats with grace and effectiveness. She is the proud owner of a successful cleaning company, a polyclinic, and a call center specialising in customer service, data collection, and debt recovery. Each of these businesses caters to a unique market need, showcasing her ability to identify opportunities and adapt to changing circumstances.

Her journey into entrepreneurship began while she was still employed at a bank. Faced with the harsh realities of life and the desire for a better future, she began looking for ways to supplement her income. “I started cleaning homes on the side,” she recalls. “Many professionals were too busy to clean their homes properly, so I saw an opportunity to use my free time to offer this service.” Her meticulous attention to detail, from organizing homes to adding decorative touches, quickly set her apart from others. Her reputation for thorough, high-quality work spread by word of mouth, allowing her to turn a side hustle into a full-fledged business by 2013.

Navigating the Cleaning Industry: A Woman’s Perspective

Like many others, the cleaning industry presents unique challenges, especially for women. From managing cash flow to acquiring the necessary equipment without upfront payments, Mary Joan faced numerous obstacles in her early days. “As the company grows, the pressure increases,” she explains. New equipment is constantly needed, and clients often want high-quality service without paying upfront. This means we often have to work before we get paid, which can strain our finances.”

However, Mary Joan is not one to be easily deterred. She quickly learned the importance of strategic financial management, often taking bank loans or seeking support from friends to bridge the gaps until payments were received. “When you believe in your vision and the quality of your work, you find ways to overcome financial challenges,” she says. Today, her cleaning company operates across Tanzania, serving banks, micro-finances, hospitals, and public institutions, with over 800 employees on her payroll.

Embracing Technology to Stay Ahead

In the modern business landscape, technology is a critical enabler of success. Recognizing this, Mary Joan has embraced technological advancements to streamline operations and improve efficiency. “I try to grow with technology,” she shares. “For instance, I use a messaging system to communicate with my scattered clients and a management system called Usafi Plus to handle inventory and attendance. This system helps us keep track of client needs, manage orders, and ensure timely delivery of services.”

Her innovative use of technology has improved her business’s operational efficiency and set her apart in the competitive cleaning industry. “Technology allows us to be proactive rather than reactive,” she adds. “We can anticipate client needs and respond quickly, which has been a key factor in our success.”

Empowering Women Through Employment and Beyond

Mary Joan is not just building businesses; she is building a community. A passionate advocate for women’s empowerment, she has prioritised hiring women in her businesses. “Women are the backbone of the family,” she believes. “Seventy-five percent of my workforce is women. I believe in balancing opportunities, but I also recognize women’s unique strengths in the workplace. They are committed, they manage their time well, and they often have a greater sense of responsibility.”

She also creates opportunities for her female employees to grow beyond their roles. “I encourage them to become entrepreneurs themselves,” she explains. “Many of them start small businesses on the side, participate in savings groups, and take part in our regular financial literacy training sessions. These initiatives help them build their economic independence and support their families.”

Balancing Family and Professional Responsibilities

Many women face the challenge of balancing a successful career with family life, and Madam Maryjoan is no exception. As a mother, she understands the importance of making time for her children and family. “I have learned to delegate,” she says. I have supervisors who manage different aspects of the business, allowing me to create time for my family. It’s about finding the right balance and ensuring neither side suffers.”

Her ability to juggle multiple responsibilities with such finesse inspires many women who struggle to balance their professional and personal lives. “It is possible to have both a successful career and a happy family life,” she assures. It takes planning, delegation, and a strong support system, but it is definitely achievable.”

Breaking New Ground with a Polyclinic

Mary Joan’s entrepreneurial spirit did not stop at cleaning. Driven by a long-held dream of contributing to the healthcare sector, she ventured into the medical field by establishing a polyclinic. “Since I was a child, I always dreamed of owning a pharmacy,” she reveals. “So when the opportunity presented itself, I decided to go for it.”

Her polyclinic, now three years old, has quickly become a trusted name in the community, drawing patients from across town. Despite not having a medical background herself, she has successfully built a team of qualified professionals and fostered a culture of care and excellence. “I’m not a doctor, so I can’t challenge them on medical grounds,” she admits. “But I have learned so much from them. I’ve come to love being around patients and understanding their needs.”

A Unique Approach to Debt Recovery and Customer Service

Mary Joan’s third venture, a call center, reflects her innovative approach to business. The call center specializes in customer service, data collection, and debt recovery, serving a variety of clients, including telecom companies, banks, and other businesses. “I’ve worked in a bank and seen firsthand how people lose their properties and families over debt,” she says. “In my call center, we approach debt recovery with empathy and understanding. We encourage people to repay their debts without pressure, which has proven to be very effective.”

Her empathetic approach to debt recovery is rooted in her belief that everyone deserves respect and dignity, even when dealing with financial difficulties. “We don’t embarrass or pressure anyone,” she explains. “We have trained staff who handle each case with care and respect, and this has helped us build trust with our clients and their customers.”

Overcoming the Competition: A Mindset for Success

In the competitive business world, Madam Mary Joan views competition not as a challenge but as an opportunity for growth. “The demand for services is still high,” she says confidently. “As new companies emerge, so does the need for services. I know my work and deliver excellent service, which is why I get referrals without even asking.”

Her positive mindset and unwavering commitment to excellence have been key to her success. “I believe in continuous improvement,” she adds. “Every contract is an opportunity to learn and grow. Even if I lose a contract, I am confident that I will be called back because of the quality of my work.”

Expanding Horizons: Future Aspirations for JOFORT Cleaning Company

Looking to the future, Mary Joan has big dreams for her cleaning company, JOFORT. “When I started, my dream was to have 500 employees. Now, I’ve surpassed that goal with 800 employees. We will expand further in the next 5-10 years, possibly reaching 2,000 employees. Currently, we are operating only in Tanzania, but my dream is to cover East Africa,” she shares with optimism.

She is also keen to diversify her business interests further. “I want to start making my own cleaning materials, like soaps and toilet papers, and sell them first before expanding to other markets. I’ve done the research and even travelled to China to find good equipment for toilet paper manufacturing. It’s possible, but it requires capital,” she explains. Her determination to explore new opportunities reflects her entrepreneurial spirit and desire to continue growing her businesses.

A Message of Hope and Empowerment for Women Worldwide

Mary Joan’s journey is a powerful reminder that everything is possible when you believe in yourself and your dreams. Her story is not just about business success; it’s about breaking barriers, overcoming challenges, and inspiring others to do the same. Her message to women worldwide is simple yet profound: “Everything is possible if you decide to pursue it. Despite the challenges, including opposition from our male counterparts, you must stick to your dreams. Remember, you have dreams, and your family may depend on you. Balancing family and business is possible; do not give up. Yes, my husband could provide everything I want, but what about the 800 people I’ve employed who have lifted themselves out of poverty through my creativity? I’m also paying taxes and contributing to the country’s economy.”

Her story is not just an inspiration but a call to action for women everywhere to pursue their dreams with courage, resilience, and determination. Madam Maryjoan has shown that with hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt, women can achieve greatness in any field they choose. She is a living testament to the fact that no dream is too big, and no challenge is too great when you have the courage to pursue it.

To every reader of  who may read this story, Madam Maryjoan’s journey is a reminder that the future is yours to shape. Whatever your dreams may be, know that they are within your reach. All you need is the courage to take the first step and the determination to keep going, no matter your obstacles. Remember, you are powerful, you are capable, and you are unstoppable. The world is waiting for you to shine.

1. Ideon Limited: Driving Growth and Innovation in Financial Services

As the Managing Director of Ideon Limited, Mary Joan Msonsa has been instrumental in leading the company towards remarkable growth and success since January 2022. Based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, she is responsible for executing the company’s overarching strategy and ensuring the seamless implementation of daily business operations. Her leadership focuses on:

  • Executing Company Strategy: Crafting and deploying strategic plans that align with Ideon’s vision and goals.
  • Daily Operations Management: Overseeing the day-to-day operations to maintain operational efficiency and effectiveness across all business units.
  • Revenue Growth Initiatives: Developing and initiating strategies that drive revenue growth, ensuring the company’s financial objectives are consistently met.
  • Team Leadership: Leading a diverse team and managing senior staff to ensure all departments meet and exceed their targets and objectives.
  • Departmental Oversight: Directly managing multiple departments, fostering a culture of accountability, and promoting cross-functional collaboration to achieve business excellence.

2. Jofort Intertrade Company Limited: A Commitment to Social Impact and Sustainability

As the Co-Chief Executive Officer of Jofort Intertrade Company Limited, a role she has held since January 2010, Mary Joan co-founded this Tanzanian cleaning company to address a significant market gap in professional cleaning and environmental services. Located in Arusha, Tanzania, Jofort Intertrade has grown significantly under her guidance.

3. Strategic Consultancy and Community Development: Empowering Women and Youth

Beyond her executive roles, Mary Joan Msonsa is a dedicated consultant and community leader. She has served as an Independent Consultant for the Aga Khan Foundation East Africa, where she:

  • Conducted In-depth Research: Delivered comprehensive research and analysis to support development initiatives across East Africa.
  • Provided Expert Advice: Offered strategic guidance on regulatory compliance, risk management, finance, and human resources.
  • Developed Project Plans: Created and implemented robust project frameworks to drive organizational growth and impact.

Additionally, Mary Joan has played a significant role in community development as the Director of Operations for the Women Empowerment and Development Agency in Arusha. Here, she has been instrumental in:

  • Bridging Financial Inclusion Gaps: Focusing on empowering rural women by improving access to financial services and resources.
  • Supporting Local Development: Leading initiatives that promote sustainable development and economic independence among women and youth.

Mary Joan Msonsa’s career is a testament to her exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to business success and community empowerment. Her multifaceted roles demonstrate her ability to drive growth, foster innovation, and make a meaningful impact in the lives of many Tanzanians.