Violet Mordichai’s book is excellent for anyone who wants to become an effective leader.

Book Review:
Title: Leadership Through my Lenses: Journey To Conquest
Auther: Violet Mordichai
Publisher: Neshvile School of Design, 2022.
Reviewer: Neema Munisi, Mass Impacts Limited

The road to the top of the corporate ladder is not full of roses, yet it can be a fulfilling journey of looking for yourself to finding self-actualisation and the purpose for your life. That is the main lesson I have drawn from the book.

Life is a journey. No wonder as soon as a child can take a step, they want to walk, to travel. The book is about Violet Mordichai’s journey of faith, hope, adventures, hard work, walks to the unknown, and ups and downs, but in all the spirit of doing the needful to rise to the occasion as a leader.

Do you want to be a leader? Are you a leader, and you want to be a better leader? Violet’s memoir can contribute to making your dreams come true by providing some great wells of knowledge. 

As the late Dr Reginald Mengi used to say, I CAN, I MUST, I WILL; Violet, too, is a believer that if you know where you want to go, you can go. Hers is a humble climb to the ladder from a tea girl cum messager to CEO of a leading financial institution (Insurance firm).

She makes it clear that one must keep going, despite the challenges we face throughout life. There will undoubtedly be problems along the way, but Ms Violet has highlighted several effective strategies for tackling them in the book.

The author has explained in straightforward language how somebody can elevate from the lower echelon jobs to very senior jobs (white colour jobs) and earn respect and recognition locally and globally. 

The author’s testimony and her life journey are very significant, and it gives the reader that, regardless of the position that hardworking, self-discipline, and determination are essential factors for success. 

As she says in the book, there is “NO LIMIT FOR HUMAN BEING”; indeed, she has proved it in her life story. The book demonstrates that no matter the hardship, challenges, or obstacles one may encounter in the journey, none of them can stop you from reaching the level you are determined to go. 

The author writes about what she faced in the journey; at her very early stages and as a young girl with a heavy load on her shoulder, she had every reason to give up. Still, her strong will and determination kept her going, and she eventually reached very high levels.

As a leader, the book emphasises having personal values which will drive you all the way. The values will keep you on and make you emerge victorious in diverse situations in life. No wonder she had chosen a real coach in her journey, John Maxwell, the number one leadership authority, and he is identified as the most popular leadership expert in the world. 

The author has proved herself in leadership as she has reached the 5th level – the Pinnacle, which according to Maxwell, is the highest and most challenging to attain in leadership. This book tells about significant actions that somebody must do – self-evaluation and asks fundamental questions, “Who I was, Who I wasn’t and what I wanted to become “. If you stick with it and continually focus on growing and developing yourself will eventually take you to this highest level. 

However, the author emphasizes the importance of growing others and asserts that you should only draw those who are willing. This is one of many compelling statements: as a leader, you should be able to provide direction, clarity, and leadership without bringing any baggage.

And level five demands you to do this by investing your life in the lives of others. In other words, if you consistently prioritize creating willing leaders and bettering yourself at every level.

This book serves as a wake-up call for women as well. The book makes it clear that no woman should ever dare to offer a defence for why she can’t hold or advance to a leadership position. The book mentioned some powerful women in very executive roles, including Samia Suluhu Hassan, our president. There are several opportunities for women in the public, the business world, and internationally. It is possible to break the glass ceiling. However, it must be deliberate and not just sit around waiting for an opportunity.

This is proof from the author that from being disadvantaged due to family issues, being a tea girl, and now holding different executive positions and being a representative in various boards (Locally and globally). The book highlights all the challenges and offers the solution to almost any technique a woman may require, so WAKE UP, WOMEN, GO FOR IT—no more hesitation.  

*Neema Munisi is a business development consultant based in Dar es Salaam. Email, phone: +255 754 846 386