Maida Waziri  fronts the power of entrepreneurship to change Tanzania, East Africa, for good

Nakuru, Kenya

A landmark entrepreneurship memoir by one of the leading female entrepreneurs in Tanzania has been published in Kenya. It is set to be launched in Dar es Salaam on Friday 18th October 2018.

Hon. Jenista Mhagama, the minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled, will launch the book, that fronts innovative entrepreneurship to solve joblessness crisis across East Africa.  

The book, published by Apps Valle Publishing,  aims at inspiring  Tanzanians and other East Africans to awaken their spirit of entrepreneurship to solve the current economic challenges and shows them the roadmap to entrepreneurship success.

The book, written in Swahili by award winning entrepreneur, Ms Maida Waziri, is  titled,  “Sauti ya Mjasiriamali: Kesho Yako Ni Uthubutu,” meaning, “The Voice of the Entrepreneur:  Your tomorrow depends on bravery to dare”

The publisher notes that Maida’s book will be one of the most inspirational and landmark entrepreneurship memoirs to come from East Africa.

The memoirs covers Maida’s life from childhood to the struggles to make it in business, starting over with about USD 10, to creating a niche in the construction industry in Tanzania. 

According to  Dr. Evelyn O. Mahero,  a lecturer  at   Laikipia University in Kenya,  the memoir contains rich and practical educational content, which the people of East Africa who are determined to kick out poverty, should get to know by reading the book.

Renown business researcher, academician  and edu-entrepreneur, Dr. Donath R. Olomi, formly a don at the University of Dar es Salaam but currently the  chair of The Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development (IMED), notes that in her narratives in the book, Maida transforms herself into a training force  for the current and future generations on entrepreneurship.

“In Tanzania and Africa in general, we have witnessed many people start their small business ventures just like Maida. Available research indicates that only few of such businesses grow into big ventures. Many remain small or die. And for those business that grow, few are owned by women,” notes Dr Olomi, attonating that Maida has dared, and made it.

The Publisher describes Maida Waziri as a courageous woman who has dared to enter the mostly man’s world of construction industry and managed to rise up to great heights.

A go getter, self driven woman, Maida says she has written the book as a legacy for generations to come to know that despite any harsh environment,  one should start  out his or her dream even in the smallest way and and make it big. 

A strict adherence to some principles of business and habits for business success, she hopes to inspire millions of Tanzanians to dare in entrepreneurship, by cultivating their own paths.

A serial entrepreneur, she stands very tall among the  most successful women contractors in East Africa. Her entry in business was selling used clothes(mitumba). Then she established a tailoring venture which great into car seat cover manufacturing unit. 

Gradually she expended into livestock and fish farming, stationary, transportation and construction. Today, her flagship company, IBRA Contractors Limited is one of the most respected general contracting (construction) firms in Tanzania.  

Maida is also the Voice of Women Entrepreneurs Tanzania Ltd [VoWET] president, A dynamic not for profit women partnership bringing together women groups that seeks to revolutionize the way women do business in Tanzania. Through advocacy, capacity building and networking, the organization harnesses women power for nationwide economic transform and empowerment.